Ketamine Hydrochloride, commonly referred to as Ketamine, is a strong anesthetic intended for use during operations and medical procedures. Dr. Calvin Stevens of Wayne State University first synthesized Ketamine in 1962 while researching alternatives to the anesthetic Phencyclidine (PCP). Ketamine was patented in Belgium in 1963 and approved for use in humans by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1970.

Due to Ketamine’s ability to cause minor hallucinogenic side effects in humans, it is commonly used as a veterinary anesthetic. Ketamine’s ability to generate hallucinogenic effects within minutes of administration has also led to its abuse as a recreational drug during raves and dance clubs.

Ketamine is also known as a new “date-rape drug” because it is odorless, tasteless, and it can induce paralysis and amnesia.

The effects of Ketamine depend on the amount ingested. Low doses are less harmful than higher doses, although any amount can be fatal when combined with alcohol or other drugs.

Short-term side effects of Ketamine include intoxication, delirium, increased blood pressure and heart rate, nausea, vomiting, and “blacking-out”. These effects are known to last a short period of time, approximately one to two hours in length.

Long-term use can cause extreme physical and mental problems, including impaired cognitive abilities, amnesia, and potentially fatal respiratory problems.

Over time, a user can develop a tolerance to Ketamine. Research on whether Ketamine is an addictive subscance is ongoing.

The Urine DrugCheck Drug of Abuse Test yields a positive result when the Ketamine level in urine exceeds 1000 ng/mL.

  • Ketamine Street Names:
  • K
  • Special K
  • Vitamin K
  • Cat Valium
  • Super Acid
  • Super C
  • Bump
  • Green
  • Honey Oil
  • Special La Coke